So school has started for all four of my kids, and so I need to vent! With carpool, homework and cranky kids with not enough sleep, I feel like I live in my car these days with driving to the school 3 times a day, sometimes more with CHAPS meetings (it's our schools version of PTA). And I have one in soccer which is two practice's a week and game's on Saturday, and two kids in baseball which is two games a week per kid!!! I know my kids love it and I do too, but... HOLY #$%!@
Okay, I feel better now! So, let me start from the beginning! Riley is my oldest daughter at 10, Baylor is my only son at 8, Payton is 5 and Lainie is 3! They do keep me going, and my house a mess, but I wouldn't change a day!

Here is a picture of my kids, and my husband Todd! This picture was taken this spring on a family trip to our Ranch in Idaho! We love this place, and wish it were closer for us to visit! It takes about 7 hours to get there over freeway and dirt roads, but it is so worth it when we do! This summer/fall has been filled with soccer games, birthdays, baseball games and vacations! I will try to upload pictures as soon as I can, not just to share, but to also remember myself!

I will start with Baylor's 8th birthday party. Here he is with his sisters and some cousins in our backyard! It is great to see Baylor with all of his girl cousins, there is only one boy cousin on my side and 2 on Todds, with 13 girls on my side, and 9 on Todds. He either doesn't stand a chance or will be in girl heaven when his sisters cute friends come around in about 8 years!

Riley has played on the same soccer team with the same coach for the last 6 seasons! They have really gotten pretty good! She loves

it, and has made some great friends! Baylor has played baseball since he was 3 and is really beginning to understand the game! This is Payton's first year in baseball and thinks she is pretty cool being the only girl on her team!